User manual SEO and Meta descriptions | Site & App Builder | Builderly

SEO and Meta descriptions

In this section, we'll go over the search optimization process (SEO). The SEO processes are almost fully automated, however, it requires some initial setup.


Defining Keywords will help MSB (Maxmedia System Builder) scan Your content and alert you with tips to improve your SEO.

To add a keyword, go to SEO -> Keywords. Added keywords (if any) will appear in a list. Click Create a keyword. Fill in the text box and click save.

seo dashboard mobile app showcase
keywords admin dashboard
adding a keyword from admin dashboard

Meta & Search Engine Result Page

All meta information and SERP (Search Engine Result Page) is available for customization in SEO -> Search Engine Results Page.

The most important one to set is the "default". It will automatically fill in for any missing meta information. For products, services, and blog posts, this information automatically generates as shown in the Alerts.

To make it easier to understand, you get a preview of your meta description for search engines and social media shares.

meta descriptions showcase
creating and editing meta description for a page showcase admin


Alerts are autogenerated and show potential search optimization errors.

Access them from the Dashboard.

admin dashboard mobile app showcase
seo alerts mobile app dashboard showcase


You can add tracking scripts for metrics collection such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, etc.

Access them from the SEO -> Tracking & Analytics.

analytical scripts integrations mobile app dashboard showcase
analytics mobile app dashboard showcase