User manual first steps | Site & App Builder | Builderly

First steps

In this section, we'll go over the initialization process and explain how to access the admin panel.

Create a website or an app

You can skip this step if You have already created Your site or app.

Go to, and log in or sign up, then click on  Create new + , up in the right corner of the window. user dashboard

After clicking on  Create new +  you will be prompted with a screen asking you if you would like to create your new site via  MaxMedia QuickStart , or via a Starter Template. We are going to explore both options, starting with the first one.

quickstart website and mobile app builder

Using QuickStart

After clicking Get started, you will be prompted for name and password for your new site or app. Make sure to remember the password you have set.

After that, simply follow the wizard until your site is created.

creating an admin user for a new website or app

Using a starter template

When you hover over any of the presented template options, you can either explore the entire template site, by clicking “View”, or select it for a starting point for your own site, by clicking “Use”.

After selecting a template, you'll be prompted for a name and password for your site, as shown above (in QuickStart).

Then you will be redirected to your user panel, where you'll be able to see your newly created site, as shown below.

choosing a template when creating a website or an app
access admin dashboard from

When you click on your site, a dialog will appear where you can select to go to the admin panel.

website admin dashboard login

Log in using the email you are using to log in, and the password you created while initializing the site.